Lotto Schedule



Next Draw: Starts in 9 hrs 54 mins
The 49's draw takes place at 12:49 and 17:49 BST. Choose up to 5 numbers from a pool of 49.

Daily Millions

Daily Millions

Next Draw: Starts in 11 hrs 5 mins
The Daily Millions draw takes place at 2pm GMT and 9pm GMT each day. Choose up to 5 numbers from a pool of 39.

Polish Lotto

Polish Lotto

Next Draw: Starts in 16 hrs 20 mins
The Polish Lotto draw takes place every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Choose up to 5 numbers from a pool of 49.

Euro Dreams

Euro Dreams

Next Draw: Starts in 17 hrs 5 mins
EuroDreams Lucky Numbers is based on the outcome of the EuroDreams draw which takes place on Monday and Thursday evenings at approximately 8pm.

Spanish Lotto

Spanish Lotto

Next Draw: Starts in 17 hrs 45 mins
The Spanish Lotto takes place every Monday, Thursday and Saturday. Choose up to 5 numbers from a pool of 49.

Euro Lotto

Euro Lotto

Next Draw: Friday 20th Sep 20:00
The Euro Lotto draw takes place every Tuesday and Friday evening. Choose up to 5 numbers from a pool of 50.

Lucky Stars

Lucky Stars

Next Draw: Friday 20th Sep 20:00
Lucky Stars are part of the Euro lotto draw that takes place every Tuesday and Friday evening. Choose up to 2 numbers from a pool of 12.

Hong Kong Lotto

Hong Kong Lotto

Next Draw: Saturday 21st Sep 02:00
The Hong Kong Lotto takes place every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday with an occasional extra Snowball draw on Sunday. Choose up to 5 numbers from a pool of 49.

Australian Lotto

Australian Lotto

Next Draw: Saturday 21st Sep 08:30
The Australian Lotto draw takes place every Saturday morning. Choose up to 5 numbers from a pool of 45.

Greek Lotto

Greek Lotto

Next Draw: Saturday 21st Sep 18:05
The Greek Lotto draw takes place every Wednesday and Saturday. Choose up to 5 numbers from a pool of 49.

German Lotto

German Lotto

Next Draw: Saturday 21st Sep 18:25
The German Lotto draw takes place each Wednesday and Saturday. Choose up to 5 numbers from a pool of 49.

French Lotto

French Lotto

Next Draw: Saturday 21st Sep 19:25
The French Lotto draw takes place every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. Simply choose up to 5 numbers from a pool of 49.

UK Lotto

UK Lotto

Next Draw: Saturday 21st Sep 19:45
The UK Lotto draw takes place each Wednesday and Saturday. Choose up to 5 numbers from a pool of 59.

Irish Lotto

Irish Lotto

Next Draw: Saturday 21st Sep 20:00
The Irish Lotto draw takes place every Wednesday and Saturday evening. Choose up to 5 numbers from a pool of 47.

New York Lotto

New York Lotto

Next Draw: Sunday 22nd Sep 01:21
The New York Lotto draw takes place every Thursday and Sunday. Choose up to 5 numbers from a pool of 59.

Canadian Lotto

Canadian Lotto

Next Draw: Sunday 22nd Sep 01:30
The Canadian Lotto draw takes place each Thursday and Sunday. Choose up to 5 numbers from a pool of 49.
